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Roamers (Book 2): Fear. Loss. Survival. Hope. Page 9

  “I thought I’d accompany you today, McKenzie.”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  “I know. I just want to see you in action. There’s something I’d like to discuss with you too.”

  Scarlett’s heart plummeted, but she smiled and nodded gently.


  After walking five miles and searching three houses top to bottom for people and supplies, small talk was seriously running dry.

  The next house they came to was a beautiful grey-stone bungalow. Its symmetry was complimented by white pillars either side of the large brown door.

  Scarlett climbed the brick-work steps to the porch and tried the door. She had had enough for one day. Her back ached, she felt lethargic, and she couldn’t stand to be alone with Grey any longer. She just had to trudge back to the base with him, and then she could shut herself in the dorm that she shared with Riley and Quinlan.

  She hoped that joining her on one trip would be enough for him to trust that she was doing what she’d promised.

  “It’s locked,” she stated, pulling her axe from her belt. “Highly unlikely that we’ll find anyone alive inside, but it’s worth a look for supplies.”

  “Hey, I’m following your lead today, McKenzie. Whatever you think.”

  “As long as we’re fast, I’m pretty confident that we could get this whole street done. All the houses are pretty small,” she shrugged before lodging the axe’s blade between the door and the frame.

  Swinging her rifle to the front of her body, Scarlett took aim with the butt and struck the axe handle hard. The wood began giving way easily, and after a few hard strikes, Scarlett took a step back and channelled all her strength into her right leg, kicking the edge closest to where her weapon was wedged.

  The door flew open and the axe dropped to the ground. Scarlett rested the stock of her gun against her shoulder, pointing the barrel into the neat hallway; listening, waiting.

  Nothing came running or shuffling out, so Scarlett bent down to pick up her axe and replaced it on her hip. She paused for a moment, allowing the familiar dull ache in her abdomen to pass before crossing the threshold.

  She walked slowly through the house, leaving dusty footprints on the pale blue carpet. Her pistol was steadied in her outreached hands, supressed and ready to fire.

  Scarlett could hear a raspy groan coming from a bedroom at the other end of the hallway.

  “Come on then, you stinky motherfucker,” she said.

  Her words were followed by the sound of feet clumsily negotiating their way around a bed. When the autonomous, bloated flesh appeared in the doorway, Scarlett took aim and nonchalantly fired, hitting the Roamer directly between the eyes.

  Satisfied that there were no more, she began searching the nearest room; a bathroom, for loot. Any hope that she could do just one room alone was shattered by Grey’s footsteps behind her.

  “Look, McKenzie, I get that you’re not prepared to terminate your pregnancy, and I understand that I was completely out of line to even suggest such a thing. It’s too late now, anyway.” Scarlett continued to search the bathroom cabinet, only half-listening to avoid becoming angry. “But you are incredibly efficient at what you’re doing and a huge asset to the Headhunters.”

  Stuffing a box of aspirin and small first aid kit into her bag, she finally stood up straight and looked Grey in the eyes.

  “What are you saying, Grey?”

  “Have the baby and send it back home with Mills and Cambridge. That way, you can stay with the Headhunters with a clear conscience and continue to be the leader and soldier you were born to be.”

  “You know I can’t do that. It’s got nothing to do with my conscience and everything to do with my instincts.”

  “Think about what’s best for your baby, McKenzie--”

  “I am,” she snapped, “and that is to be with its mother. Please don’t think that I plan on being here forever. I’m getting my strength up for my baby, giving birth in a safe environment and then leaving to find my daughter and their father. That was always the plan and you know it.”

  “So, you’re really going to throw away the opportunity to thrive and use your skills in favour of something anyone with a reproductive system can do? I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed.”

  “I couldn’t give a rat’s scrotum about your feelings. I’m not throwing anything away. I thrive when I’m a mother and a partner and there is nothing – nothing – you could offer me that would change my mind.”

  Just like the incident in Grey’s office weeks before, Scarlett caught a flash of something malevolent in his eyes. All too late, she remembered what he was capable of, and that they were alone.

  “If that’s really how you feel, McKenzie, then I guess I don’t need to waste my supplies on you. I saw it as an investment, but if you’re just going to use us and leave, then we might as well end it now.”

  Scarlett took a breath to speak, but the butt of Grey’s rifle was already on a collision course with her head.

  It was the smell that woke her first; like melting plastic and scorched wood. Her lungs instinctively tried to get rid of thick, bitter smoke. Coughing so hard that she retched, Scarlett opened her eyes and sat bolt upright on the tiled bathroom floor.

  The panic was instant, and she had to work hard to slow her breathing.

  Frantically searching her surroundings, Scarlett made a grab for the neatly folded towels and scrambled to her feet.

  She pressed one of the towels to her face and tried in vain to get some water from the taps.

  With each passing second, she could feel the heat growing behind the door.

  She was left with no choice and reached for the handle, tearing her hand away with a yelp as the heat seared her flesh.

  The tiny window was her last hope. Positioned awkwardly above the bath, Scarlett knew it would be a struggle, but she had to try.

  She wrapped the towel around her face as firmly as possible so that she had use of her hands. Carefully climbing into the tub, she reached above her head for the window latch. It didn’t budge. She pulled, harder and harder, growing more terrified with each unsuccessful attempt.

  She realised that her weapons were missing, so even breaking the glass seemed impossible.

  In a final, desperate attempt, she shrieked for help, banging her fists on the window, praying that someone could hear her.

  The heat was rising still, and beads of sweat ran down Scarlett’s face as she turned back toward the door, attempting to breathe slowly, clutching her belly and trying to accept her fate.


  “Alright, it’s time to get your daddy out of bed, miss,” Piper chirped.

  Travis was still floating somewhere between awake and asleep and Piper’s happy chirruping sent an involuntary but fleeting rage through him.

  She entered the room with Hope and Kate, smiling broadly as she approached Travis’ bed at what he believed to be an unnaturally fast pace. Kate was carrying a pair of crutches and Travis knew that getting out of bed would be particularly difficult that morning.

  “Good morning,” Piper grinned. “My boys finally found you some crutches. Kate’s gonna give you the dummy’s guide and then you’ll have a nice bit of independence back.”

  “Does this mean I’ll be able to piss alone?”

  “Sure does.”

  With that, Travis dragged himself to a sitting position and Piper assisted him in swinging his legs around.

  Kate slipped one boot on his good foot, and Travis observed her nervously, preparing to stand properly for the first time in weeks.

  “You’re fine,” she smiled. “It’s going to hurt, but it won’t be forever.”

  She positioned the top of the crutches around Travis’ arms and he gripped the handles.

  “You’ll need to put all your weight on your good leg. The other one isn’t done healing yet, and you could cause more damage.”

  Travis shuffled his backside right to the edge of th
e bed and corrected his hold before easing himself up on one leg.

  He grunted with the effort as Kate and Piper supported him.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  “Now, just move the crutches forward a little – make sure it is only a little; you need to get accustomed to using them in small steps. Let’s say no more than twelve inches to start with.” Travis did so and Kate felt a rush of maternal instinct when she saw his vulnerability, “That’s great. Now transfer your weight into your arms and swing your body slowly through the gap. Make sure your good foot lands flat.”

  Again, Travis followed the instruction and Hope began to clap. He looked at her proud face and grinned back at her.

  “Yay, Daddy!” she cheered.

  “Your daddy’s doin’ so good,” cooed Piper. “Won’t be long before he gets to take that itchy old cast off. Why don’t we try to find him some yummy eggs to help get his strength up?”

  Hope nodded and Piper took her by the hand, leading her outside.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but that woman’s sunny disposition was a little too much for this hour.”

  “Make the most of it,” Kate said, “she isn’t always so cheerful. It must be your daughter. Piper has certainly taken a shine to her.”

  “Yeah, I guess. Her mother would be grateful that she’s being well looked after here.”

  “Right, lie back on your bed for me, you know the drill.”

  Travis backed onto his bed and Kate lifted his healing leg as he swung the other up onto the mattress.

  “Your wife,” Kate said, prodding at Travis’ ribs, “tell me about her.”

  Travis half-smiled, but his eyes remained sad.

  “Scarlett. Her name was Scarlett McKenzie. We met after this all started. It’s complicated and I won’t bore you with the details. It was easy to fall in love with her. And believe me when I say I tried not to.”

  “I imagine she was very beautiful,” Kate grinned.

  “Yeah. She was. And she had a killer smile. But I can resist a pretty face. It was everythin’ else about her that got me hooked. Her kindness, her sense of what was right, her ferocity. She had this determination about her that seemed to rub off on everyone around her. She was such a natural mother; she just knew what to do from the moment Hope came into the world. Scarlett was just the right amount of everythin’. And she loved me in spite of all the unlovable pieces I was in when we met.”

  “If you don’t mind my asking, how did she die?”

  “She got bit. Well, she got shot. I tried to save her, but I was fightin’ off some Roamers and one of them must’a just managed to sink its teeth in.” A glimmer of self-loathing spread momentarily over Travis’ face, “She told me, probably ten seconds before the gunfire, that she was pregnant again. I can’t even describe how it feels. I had everythin’; her, our daughter, a safe place to stay and the excitement of becomin’ a father again, but this time I’d know what the hell I was doin’,” he scoffed. “And then it was gone. She was gone. Taken. Everythin’ I knew changed in a second. I thought if I left that I wouldn’t have to face it. But every time I look at Hope, I see her.” He swept tears away with the back of his hand, “What I really needed was support. I thought I could do this alone, but I can’t. I miss her so damn much. I still haven’t told Hope. I don’t think she’d understand. Fuck, I don’t even understand.”

  Kate observed him with sympathetic eyes and placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m so sorry, Travis.”

  “I never imagined that I’d ever feel like this.” Kate had seemingly opened the floodgates. “I spent my whole life alone. Any interaction I had with women before was fleetin’ at best. She turned my life upside-down more than the Roamers did. And now, I feel like I can barely function without her. Everythin’s harder. Breathin’, sleepin’, eatin’. It’s like I’ve been in a daze since she left and nothin’ makes sense without her.”

  “I’ll have a word with Piper. I know she’s a bit full on, but she just likes to help people.” Travis nodded at her understandingly. “She always appreciates honesty. Talk to her about Scarlett and she’ll understand. And, Travis… it does get easier. Hope is lucky to have you.”


  “The good news is I think your ribs are just about fixed,” she smiled, dabbing away her own tears. “Just try not to throw yourself down anymore hills, okay?”

  Travis nodded and Kate flicked the sheet back over his torso.

  “So, how long ‘till I can get out of this room?”

  “Without support? Probably another few weeks, I’m afraid. You need to make sure that leg is completely healed before the cast comes off. In the meantime, I’d recommend hopping about on your crutches as much as possible. You don’t have to stay cooped up in here anymore.”

  A light tapping on the door signalled Piper’s return. She let herself in holding the plate of eggs she’d promised.

  “Back in bed already, Travis?”

  “I was just checking on his ribs,” Kate said, making her way to the door, “he’s free to get up again when he’s eaten, in fact, I’d encourage it. I’ll be back in a while, T.”

  Kate closed the door softly and Piper sat herself down on the edge of Travis’ bed, handing him the plate.

  “I bet you can’t wait to see the back of this room,” she laughed. “So, where’re you from? Before all this, I mean.”

  “Uh, Tennessee,” Travis said, staring down at his plate. “Where’s Hope?”

  “She’s in the sewin’ tent. Don’t worry, she’s got a full belly and I made Ada promise not to show her how to cross-stitch rude words.”

  “Thanks for lookin’ after her.”

  “It’s my pleasure, she’s a beautiful little girl,” Piper grinned, laying her hand on his knee.

  Travis shifted awkwardly and pushed it away.

  “Look, Piper,” he began, wondering how best to let her down gently, “I really appreciate everythin’ you and your people have done for me and my daughter, and I’m flattered, but I really ain’t lookin’ for anythin’ you’ve got in mind.”

  Piper stared at him, brow knitted and eyes squinting, trying to work out what it was he was saying. Then the penny dropped.

  “Oh!” she blurted. “No, Travis, that’s not… I don’t, uh… You’re barking up the wrong tree. Wrong forest entirely, actually.”


  “I’m gay, Travis.”

  Travis’ face flushed red and he tried frantically to think of the best way to apologise.

  “Piper, I’m really sorry… Fuck.”

  Piper couldn’t help but laugh at Travis’ embarrassment, and before long he felt able to laugh with her.

  “If I’m honest, Travis, I was thinkin’ of using my feminine wiles to persuade you to stick around and work with us.”

  “Hey, I don’t need persuadin’. This place is great for me and Hope. When I’m back to normal, I’d like to hunt for your group. It’s about the only thing I’m good at, and I enjoy it.”

  “Well, that’s settled then. Welcome to the family.”

  Chapter Eleven


  The hammering of metal on glass brought Scarlett back to herself, drawing her attention back to the window. Covering her head with her hands when it started to give, Scarlett had to concentrate hard not to lose consciousness from the plumes of smoke.

  “McKenzie! McKenzie, are you still there?”

  It was Grey and, although Scarlett was sure that her predicament was his doing, she couldn’t afford not to accept his help now.

  “I’m here,” she croaked, “I’m stuck.”

  No more words were spoken, and Grey utilised the handle of Scarlett’s axe to clear as much glass as possible before draping his jacket over the window frame and offering Scarlett his hands.

  She reached up and held on to him as tight as she could, and as he pulled, Scarlett pushed her feet into the wall. Once high enough, she dug her fingers into the outside wall, using all the strength she could m
uster to lift her belly over the threshold, flopping forward onto the grass below.

  Fresh air filled her lungs and relief spread through her, her veins flooded with adrenaline and her heart pounding in her chest.

  She lay there, catching her breath, tears flowing from her eyes, and it suddenly dawned on her that Ethan was standing over her.

  Scarlett sprung to her feet; her chest still clouded, and snatched her weapon belt from him.

  “Are you alright?”

  “Am I alright?” she repeated, her eyes wide with disbelief, “Are you fucking kidding me?”


  “No! Shut the fuck up! You tried to kill me. You almost succeeded.”

  “Scarlett, please.”

  Without thinking, Scarlett drove her fist into Grey’s face, unsteadying him briefly. His eyes darted immediately back to hers. He scowled at her.

  Then suddenly, he took her by the throat and forced her back into the wall. The rough bricks connected with her spine so hard that it knocked the air out of her. His face was red with rage, and he spat in her face as he spoke.

  “If you touch me like that again, McKenzie, you’ll have more to fear than getting stuck in a burning building.” Scarlett desperately tried to gasp for air, but his hold was too much. “The only reason you’re not still in there is because I don’t want to have to explain your demise to your little followers. So, here’s what’s going to happen: you’re going to come back with me now. You’re not going to say a single word to anyone back at base, and if you do, I will personally see to it that your friends watch me tear you to fucking pieces. Understood?”

  Scarlett nodded once and he released her. She bent double with her hands on her knees and, again, her lungs took in air like it was the first breath she’d ever taken. Scarlett couldn’t remember ever feeling so grateful that they had the ability.

  “Good. Let today be a warning.” He glanced down at the locket on her chest and promptly tore it from her neck, “You shouldn’t wear things like this, McKenzie. Imagine if it caught on something; you could get yourself killed.”

  He pocketed the necklace. Scarlett couldn’t argue. For now, she had to accept his control over her; to let him take another piece of herself. But she would get it back.