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Roamers (Book 1) Page 9

  She dressed herself in her usual scouting gear; long, flat, lace up boots, dark grey, skin-tight jeans, and a close-fitting vest underneath a slightly looser shirt, and packed a small rucksack with water, ammunition and anything else she thought she might need. Number Six huffed excitedly when Scarlett attached his chain lead to her belt and they both made their way down to the dining hall for breakfast. Scarlett sat herself opposite Riley with a plate of powdered eggs, while Chino emptied a tin of dog food into a bowl for Six, who munched it down appreciatively.

  “Morning.” Riley said gently.

  “Yeah, sure,” Scarlett responded drearily, “So where are we headed today?” she enquired.

  “Actually, Scar, I’m not going,” he began, “I want to send you out with Travis today.” Finally, Scarlett looked him in the eye, eyebrows raised, “I’m asking you because I know you can handle him if you need to, and to be frank, nobody else will do it. He says he can hunt, provide us with fresh meat. I believe him, but we gotta remember that he’s not one of ours, not yet anyway.”

  “Alright,” Scarlett sighed, “I’ll do it. But if he tries anything, I’ll be coming back alone.”

  “I understand. It’s good to have you back.” Riley confirmed.

  After breakfast, the small groups that Riley had assembled for the supply runs gathered outside with the vehicles. Riley started handing a key to one member of each scouting party.

  “You all know the drill by now; food, medicine, fuel. Anything that could be of use to us.” He said, “Remember to mark it all down on your maps; places we’ve exhausted, the places most densely populated by Roamers. Be back before dark.”

  Scarlett decided to try and makes amends with Travis by gifting him the crossbow she’d found a few weeks previously. She awkwardly approached him and noticed the impressive black eye she’d given had healed.

  “Morning.” Scarlett said in an attempt to start the day positively. He grunted in response, refusing eye contact. “I noticed your bow… No one else here seems to know how to use one, so I thought you might be interested in this.”

  She held up the crossbow in both hands. Travis glanced down at it, then at Scarlett. His face relaxed a little and he held out his hand and took it from her, nodding a thanks and admiring the weapon. Scarlett smiled at him, quite pleased with herself for seemingly making some progress.

  Travis climbed into the flat-bed truck Riley had chosen for them, based on the assumption that they would return with an animal carcass. He turned the key in the ignition and cursed out loud when the needle on the fuel indicator didn’t move past empty.

  “What asshole last used this and didn’t bother to tell anyone it was dry?” he said, smacking the steering wheel.

  Scarlett grabbed a large jerry can from the side of one of the military cars and poked her head in the passenger side of the truck, trying her best to keep her cool with Travis.

  “We can make it to the highway, right?”

  “I don’t know. Does this thing run on optimism?” he responded sarcastically. “Ain’t got much choice other than to try. Hurry up and get in, will ya?”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes, but, wanting the trip to be as easy as possible, allowed Number Six to jump onto the flat-bed next to Travis’ weapons and did as she was instructed.

  The battered vehicle made it to the highway after some careful driving, preserving the very little fuel that was left. Scarlett and Travis climbed out of the truck, followed by Number Six, who glued himself protectively to Scarlett’s side.

  Travis pulled his hunting knife from his belt and wrenched open the petrol cap on two cars before setting to work on siphoning the gas into the jerry can. Scarlett kept watch, relying partly on Six’s nose due to the accumulation of abandoned vehicles, ranging in stature, combined with her own height, making it almost impossible to see past many of them. She wasn’t prepared to venture too far from their truck for Travis to complete what should have been a relatively speedy job.

  When Number Six’s ears pricked up, his hackles rose and he began growling quietly, Scarlett calmly lowered herself to the ground and laid flat on her stomach before looking underneath the cars to see roughly ten pairs of feet shambling in their direction.

  She stood, drew the axe from her right hip and made her way slowly closer to Travis, crouching down beside him as he waited for the petrol can to fill from the second car.

  “How much longer?” she whispered.

  “I just need two minutes. If I can fill this, we’ll have enough for next time too. Why?”

  “There’s a herd coming this way. Ten that I could see, but there might be more.” Scarlett whispered.

  “That’s just great.” Travis’ eyes widened as he peered around the car he was siphoning from to see the Biters drawing closer, “Get back in the truck,” he instructed, “Stay low, keep quiet, but go fast.”

  “What about you?”

  “We ain’t goin’ anywhere without this fuel. The can’s almost full. Go on.”

  Scarlett took hold of Six’s collar and quietly started to lead him to the truck, but as the dog turned around, his tail caught on the siphon, pulling it out of the car.

  “Oh shit!” Scarlett said, reaching for it.

  “Just get to the fuckin’ truck! Jesus!” Travis demanded, pushing her hand away.

  Scarlett slowly opened the passenger door and ushered Number Six in before climbing in too and soundlessly closing the door.

  All she could do was watch as Travis quickly replaced the tube in the car and drew the gas through again, spitting out what went into his mouth. The whole time, Scarlett held her breath while the Biters, still oblivious to his presence, shuffled clumsily toward Travis. This, Scarlett thought, was not the best start to their hunt.

  The jerry can began to overflow and Travis hastily removed the tube and screwed on the lid before glancing around the car and heading back to their truck.

  Scarlett noticed Number Six beginning to get overexcited and held on to his collar, stroking his head in an effort to keep him calm.

  As Travis approached the vehicle, Six let out a loud bark, advertising their presence to the Roamers, who started running hungrily toward Travis. Scarlett opened the door to get out and hold them off, but Travis stopped her.

  “No. Stay there. I’ll lead ‘em away so you can fill the truck.”

  With that, Travis dropped the jerry can on the tarmac, helped himself to the pistol in Scarlett’s boot and ran toward the horde, climbing on a derelict van, making enough noise to distract the cadavers while Scarlett climbed out of the truck and rapidly began pouring the fuel into the car.

  Once she thought they had enough to get them where they were going, she glimpsed behind her at Travis, giving him a nod, wondering exactly what his next move would be.

  Scarlett watched as Travis loaded the gun and began firing headshots until the clip was empty. He’d cleared himself a path and slid down the windscreen, onto the bonnet before making a run for the truck and slamming the door shut behind him. Scarlett had noticed him sprinting for the passenger side and scooted over, turning the key in the ignition and speeding off once he was safely inside the vehicle.

  They drove to the woodland a few miles out of town. Scarlett gathered her weapons, attaching her axes to her hips and sliding her pistol into her boot before removing Six’s chain from his collar. She had no intention of using her gun, but had learned from experience that it was better to have one and not need it. Travis slung his bow and quiver over his shoulder and the trio moved silently into the cover of the trees.

  “So what are we looking for?” Scarlett asked, in an attempt to break the hush.

  “Deer, squirrel, rats, mice, berries, mushrooms. Anything fresh and edible,” he replied.

  A few moments passed before Scarlett’s curiosity took over her.

  “Have you always hunted your food? Before… all this.”

  “Yeah. Now shut up. Ain’t goin’ to catch anythin’ if you can’t keep your mouth closed.”
  “Sorry,” Scarlett said, flipping him off behind his back, “I just thought that maybe you could teach me. I feel like I’d have been better use elsewhere.”

  “You would,” Travis said, never looking at her, “I’m better on my own. No distractions,” suddenly, Travis stopped and crouched down, signalling for Scarlett to do the same, “See that?” he whispered, “Young buck. Already hurt by the look of it.” He slowly slid his bow off of his shoulder, slid a bolt out of his quiver, pulled back and aimed at the animal.

  “Wait,” Scarlett said, hushed, “Can I do it?” she was always eager to learn new skills, and she didn’t know how long Travis would stick around.

  “Uh… Okay. Come here and do exactly as I say.”

  Scarlett quietly shimmied closer to Travis as he handed her his weapon. He helped her aim and positioned her fingers correctly before letting go, keeping his eye on the deer.

  “Do not move,” he instructed, “Take a deep breath. When you pull back, make sure your index finger is under your chin and the string on the bow touches your mouth and nose. Breathe out real slow and just let your fingers slip backward. Try not to move, even after you fire.”

  Scarlett did so, but the arrow flew straight over the deer’s head, causing the animal to bolt.

  “Shit.” Scarlett sighed.

  “Shit? That’s all you gotta say?” Travis hissed as he stood, Scarlett following, “You just lost us a fuckin’ deer! You dumb bitch!”

  “Hey, watch your mouth!” Scarlett said, offended, “It was my first time. I’m sorry I missed, but shouting at me isn’t going to help.”

  “I shouldn’t have let you do it. Shoulda’ taken the shot myself,” he finally looked at her, indignantly, “I told you to stay still. How hard is it to follow a simple fuckin’ instruction?” he spat.

  “Look, the sun isn’t even properly above us yet. We’ve still got plenty of light.”

  “Why don’t you just go, huh? Let me do it alone. I could probably catch something before you got your skinny ass back to the hotel anyway.” Travis said angrily as he kicked a tree stump.

  “I’m going nowhere. I’m here to learn and I’m going to. Even if my tutor is a douche bag. And if I go back alone, it won’t be because you’ve told me to.”

  Travis advanced on her, and stood there, foreheads almost touching

  “That a threat, lady?” He growled.

  “Take it how you will. I won’t be intimidated by you.”

  They stood, looking into each other’s eyes, both fighting the urge to throw a punch.

  “I don’t like you.” Travis finally said, “If you weren’t a woman I’d--”

  “What?” Scarlett interrupted, “You’d do what?”

  “I’d stomp your ass into the ground.”

  “Hey, I’m all for equality. So do it. See who comes off worse. Let’s see if you can fumble with an arrow before I put a bullet in your head,” Scarlett challenged, knowing that she shouldn’t provoke him.

  She didn’t know him and for all she knew, he was about to pull his knife out and slit her throat. He’d threatened it once already the day they’d met.

  Travis took his weapon from Scarlett and replaced it on his shoulder.

  “I wouldn’t waste a bolt on you.” He replied contemptuously.

  Shuffling footsteps a few yards away was what eventually drew their thoughts away from hurting each other. They stood back to back and Travis took the fastest approaching, using its own momentum to force it toward the ground. It fell chest first on a spindly tree stump.

  Unarmed, Scarlett held the other back by its shoulders before kicking at its knee cap until she heard the bones splintering. It wobbled and fell to the side while Travis grabbed for his knife. Switching sides so that Scarlett could retrieve her axe, Travis jabbed his blade through the side of its head.

  With her axe finally in her hand, Scarlett turned her attention to the Roamer with the stump through its chest. She swung down hard with the M48, spike first, making a direct hit and sending the point straight through the creature’s ear.

  Catching their breath, and silently impressed, they turned to face each other.

  “We should keep moving.” Scarlett suggested.

  Travis gave a quick nod and they began to move on.

  Travis took another route on the way back to the hotel, frowning as he held the map on the steering wheel. He slowed the car down enough to get a good look at the small shopping promenade that was to their right.

  He turned into the once charming street and parked in front of a pharmacy.

  They made their way cautiously inside, leaving Number Six in the truck as Scarlett knew, as much as she loved the soppy dog, that he would give them away if he sensed trouble. This time, Travis took the crossbow, slinging it over his shoulder.

  The shops along this street were tiny and it was safer for them to see the Roamers before the Roamers saw them.

  Travis held his knife out in front of him, and Scarlett was poised with her axe ready to swing. Scarlett made her way through the aisles and hadn’t noticed a Roamer sat on the floor. As it got clumsily to its feet, Scarlett turned around and it reached out for her. The next thing she heard was the thoonk of a bolt firing from Travis’ new toy.

  “Ugh, really?” she groaned as the creature collapsed on top of her, both of them falling to the ground.

  “I coulda’ let it bite ya,” Travis snarled, yanking the corpse up by the shirt, retrieving the bolt from its skull and tossing the creature aside like a ragdoll. Scarlett couldn’t take her eyes off the muscles in his arms as he lifted it, “C’mon, woman. We ain’t got all day,” he said, grabbing her firmly by the hand and pulling her to her feet.

  When they were sure that they were alone, they set to work looking for any useful medical supplies, but were disappointed to find that there was almost nothing left.

  Travis kicked a box of throat lozenges and replaced his knife in his belt. One hand rested on the strap of his bow while he tucked the other into his pocket. The box flew across the floor and connected with a fallen metal shelf with a loud clank.

  Scarlett leaned out of the aisle she was in and furrowed her brow at him.

  “You wanna make a little more noise over there?”

  Travis squinted over his shoulder at her and sneered.

  “Just shut up and keep lookin’.” he glanced down at his feet while he waited impatiently, muttering under his breath, “I still don’t see why Riley sent you with me. Better off on my own.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes and made her way over to him, shoving a box of tissues into the backpack she held in her hand.

  “Because you’re such a delight to be around.” Scarlett replied dryly.

  Travis let out an irritated sigh as Scarlett closed the distance between them, standing directly in front of him.

  “Riley’s like a big brother to me. He wants me to be safe. I’m out with you because you can hunt, and because he knows I could take you down if I needed to.”

  Travis scoffed at her last remark and Scarlett shot him a sweet smile before turning her back on him, walking to the counter for one last search of anything else worth taking. Dropping her backpack on the floor, she began rummaging through the random mess before her.

  Travis said nothing as he watched her carefully, studying every movement she made as she sifted through chewing gum and mints. He had to admit, he could see himself interacting with Scarlett more than anyone else in his new group. She was one of the very few who still had a solid head on her shoulders, despite recent events. Everyone else seemed to be losing their minds. She also seemed the most capable of countering his shitty remarks, and he admired that.

  As much as he disliked her, and she him, Travis hadn’t been able to get her off his mind since she whacked him, and he had no idea why.

  Scarlett let out an aggravated groan and tossed a pack of gum against the cigarette shelf in front of her. Travis watched her curiously as she pulled herself onto the counter, taking a seat
on the edge before leaning back and helping herself to a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She opened the packet and ignited one before throwing the rest to Travis.

  Swinging her legs, she took a long, satisfactory drag and closed her eyes, with her head toward the ceiling as she exhaled.

  “This is driving me insane.” she finally said. “There’s nothing good left anymore. Even the gum selection sucks worse than Jack’s attitude.”

  Travis chuckled at Jack’s expense; he wasn’t going to argue there. Jack was definitely hard to deal with. Unless you were Scarlett, he thought; just debilitate him when he gets difficult.

  “What did you expect, princess?”

  Scarlett shot him a dirty look.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  Travis didn’t say anything else. He just watched her swing her legs back and forth, as though she was trying to entice him.

  Her raven hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail. Her shirt was unbuttoned and Travis noticed how her black vest clung tightly to her body as she hunched forward, smoking. The back of her black boots lightly made contact with the counter behind her, almost keeping in time with Travis’ steady heartbeat.

  Travis stayed silent as he slid the cigarettes into his pocket and walked toward her, the only sound in the store stemming from his heavy boots as he approached her.

  Scarlett didn’t say anything when he stopped in front of her, taking the cigarette from her fingers and dropping it to the ground. He placed his weapon on the ground next to her bag before reaching forward to spread her legs apart so he could stand right against her.

  Her heart caught in her throat as they looked each other in the eye. Her entire body began to burn with a heat she didn’t even know she could produce. She prepared to defend herself, but had no idea what his next move might actually be.

  Still holding eye contact, permitting Scarlett to notice how strikingly blue his were, Travis slowly drew the hunting knife from the front of his trousers. Scarlett opened her mouth to speak, but Travis put a finger to his lips and leaned in closer. Confused and tense, Scarlett slyly reached for an axe, at the same time allowing her eyes to close and her lips to part as he drew nearer to her face.