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Roamers (Book 1) Page 8
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“What the fuck did you say?” Travis growled, walking heatedly in Jack’s direction. Jack pushed Scarlett aside.
“You know what I said, you little red-neck prick. I know your kind, and I’ll tell you now, there’s nothing here for you.” Travis stared into Jack’s eyes for a moment before hurling his fist into Jack’s face, knocking him to the ground.
“Want me to show you how ‘red-neck’ I can get?” Travis began kicking Jack in the ribs and stomach, winding him. Scarlett and Riley just managed to tear him away, each grabbing an arm.
Jack stood, clutching his side, gasping for breath, before pointing his gun at Travis.
“Jack, don’t be stupid.” Scarlett said, hoping she wouldn’t have to shoot him as she quickly drew her pistol from her boot and took aim at Jack’s head. “I think you’re losing your mind.”
“I didn’t want this,” Jack spat, his voice low, “but you’re really leaving me with no choice, Foxy.” Suddenly, Jack’s weapon was in Scarlett’s face. The pair of them stood, each wondering if the other had the balls to fire a round into the other’s head.
On impulse, Jimmy ran at Jack.
“Don’t point that thing at her!” he yelled, using all of his weight to shoulder Jack away. There was a struggle between the two as Jack tried to steady himself. Jimmy seemed to have unlocked a physical strength even he was unaware he possessed.
Everything happened so fast. Riley tried to run to them, to split them apart, talk things through, but before he could get a few feet closer, Jack’s gun went off.
The struggle ceased when Jimmy was shunted backward. He slowly looked at Scarlett, his hands pressed against his chest. It was a few seconds before Scarlett realised what had happened. Only as she saw the blood begin to dribble through Jimmy’s fingers and he fell to his knees did it register.
She screamed and shot once at Jack’s leg, buckling him, before throwing herself down at Jimmy’s side while Number Six, motivated by his master’s grief, hurled himself at Jack, tearing at his already injured leg.
Riley and Travis removed Jack’s gun and dragged Six away as Scarlett hoisted Jimmy onto her lap, desperately trying to stop him bleeding.
“Oh no. No, no, no, Jimmy, no!” she cried, “Somebody get some help, don’t just fucking stand there!” she tore off her shirt and bundled it up onto Jimmy’s wound, pressing as hard as she could, tears streaming down her face, “Don’t leave me, Jimmy, please. Please, please don’t go.”
Riley knelt beside her and tried to help her stem the bleed. Jimmy’s face turned white as he gurgled and gasped for each short, laboured breath, desperately trying to speak. “You can’t die like this, Jimmy, please. Be okay, be okay. Jimmy, don’t leave me. Stay awake and just look at me!” she begged.
Jimmy’s eyes began to slowly open and close as he struggled to stay conscious. His breaths were getting shallower and shallower, with longer gaps between each as he finally gave in and allowed his eyes to close.
“Jimmy!” Scarlett screamed, trying to shake him awake. “You can’t fucking do this.” She shook him again, “Jimmy!”
He took his last breath in Scarlett’s arms and his head dropped to one side. Scarlett held his face in her hands, sobbing hysterically.
“I’m sorry, Scar.” Riley said, easing his hands away from Jimmy’s chest.
Scarlett stroked his hair and face.
“Please don’t go,” she whispered, “I can’t do this without you.” she stared at him expectantly, “Come on, Jimmy,” she shook him hard, “Wake up! Please wake up...” Finally conceding, she leant down and gave him a gentle kiss, resting her forehead on his.
Riley stood back and tried to prevent his own tears from falling.
Slowly, Scarlett stood and turned to face Jack, who just looked at her. Her face contorted with fury and she launched herself at him.
Riley tried to grab her, but she was already on top of Jack, repeatedly throwing punches. Jack, knowing the pain she was feeling, didn’t try to stop her. He was allowing her to deal the justice Jimmy deserved.
“Scarlett!” Riley shouted. “Scarlett, stop!”
Before he could say any more, Scarlett had her weapon aimed at Jack again, this time at his head. She spoke through gritted, bared teeth.
“What gives you the right to decide who lives and who dies, Jack? What the fuck did he ever do to you? Jimmy did not deserve to die! What qualifies you to lead us anyway, huh? What, the ability to pull a fucking trigger? If that’s the case, Jack, I think you’ll find I’m pretty well qualified too. I’ll be happy to take your place when you’re rotting.”
“Scarlett, put your gun down.” Riley pleaded. “Jimmy wouldn’t want this.”
“I’m sorry, Scarlett. It was an accident. I didn’t mean to shoot him, of course I didn’t!” he stuttered as Scarlett prepared herself to shoot the man she loved in the head, just as she’d had to do to his sister.
She could see remorse in Jack’s eyes. She lowered her pistol and spat on his shirt, leaning in close to his face.
“You’re sorry?” she started, her voice low, “I would kill you, Jack, but I hope to live long enough to watch you being ripped apart and chewed on. You like Shakespeare, right? Thou art sick in the world's regard, wretched and low, a poor unminded outlaw sneaking home.”
Scarlett stood and returned to Jimmy, kneeling at his side with her pistol pressed against his temple.
“I love you.” She whispered, before looking away and pulling the trigger, immediately collapsing, trying to catch her own breath as her throat began to close up.
Her only constant was gone.
Chapter Five:
Riley hesitated before knocking gently on Scarlett’s door. There was no answer so he gingerly let himself in; peering around the door as he slowly opened it.
Scarlett was lying on her bed facing away from him with Number Six at her feet, whimpering softly. Riley knew Scarlett wasn’t asleep, but it had only been a few hours since she’d filled her boyfriend’s head with lead.
“Hey, Scar,” Riley began, walking round the bed and kneeling in front of her, “I know you probably just want to be alone right now, but we need to… bury Jimmy.” Still, Scarlett said nothing, “I, uh, dug a grave. It’s on the hotel grounds. The guys and I thought you’d want to do things properly. You know, have a funeral.”
“What’s the point?” she finally whispered, “It’s only a matter of time before this place gets overrun, especially after today. Let’s just bury the body and be done with it.”
“You don’t mean that. Come on, you’re not alone. What would Jimmy do if it was the other way around?”
Scarlett looked at Riley, wet-faced and puffy-eyed. Her lip began to quiver as she let her emotions pour out. The first time she’d allowed herself to grieve; for her mother, for Alice, and now for Jimmy. The three people that meant the most to Scarlett, and whom she loved more than anything else in the world. She felt alone.
More than anything, she felt as though she’d let them down. Why was she still alive when they were all dead?
Riley helped her to sit up and leant her forward, holding her tight, embracing her in an attempt to help.
Scarlett squeezed her eyes shut as she sobbed loudly into Riley’s neck, memories of her mother, Alice and Jimmy flooding her mind. Happy memories from before the world went to shit. The release felt good. She put her arms around Riley and cuddled him tight, still crying her heart out.
She remembered holidays with Grace, her hugs – a mother’s expert ability to make it all better, even the rows felt good to recall – a sign, her mother told her, that they cared about each other.
Alice, she took shopping, lent her clothes. All the things you’d expect a big sister to do for a little sister. And Scarlett had always felt like her big sister; protective and full of love for the girl.
And then there was Jimmy. Her first love. Her first kiss. Her first everything. She loved Jimmy for the man he was; kind, tender, loving, and yes, a complete pussy at times
Scarlett dragged herself back to reality, pulling away from Riley and wiping her face.
“I’m sorry, Riley,” she started, “I’m okay now. I think I needed that.”
“Don’t you dare apologise. I’ll let you sort yourself out. Do you need anything?”
“No, I’m fine,” she replied. Riley stood and made for the door, “And, Riley?”
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you. We all need you, Scar. We love you, and nobody wants to see you like this. So get your face washed, your butt in some clean clothes and come and say a proper goodbye to Jimmy.”
Riley closed the door behind him as he left and Scarlett did as she was told.
As she walked outside, she was completely taken aback. Every resident of the hotel was standing beside the freshly dug grave, except for Riley, Chino, Mouse and Travis, who were stood around Jimmy’s wrapped body. There were lengths of material running underneath him. Everyone was silent.
Scarlett approached Jimmy’s body, holding back yet more tears. She knelt down at his head and peeled back the sheet.
“Look at all these people, Jimmy.” She said; stroking his matted and blood-soaked hair, “They’re all here for you. I love you so much. Sweet dreams and I’ll see you again.”
Scarlett re-covered Jimmy’s pale face and looked up at Riley, who nodded, and he, Chino, Mouse and Travis picked up Jimmy’s lifeless body using the excess material while Scarlett supported his head and carried him gently to the side of the grave, gradually lowering him in.
“Jimmy was a good guy.” Riley began, looking to the residents and then at Scarlett. “What happened today was a tragedy never to be repeated. He wasn’t the most valiant man in the world, but he died defending the girl he loved. And I think that says a lot about him.”
Scarlett picked up the dirty shovel before turning to the residents.
“I lost my best friend today. Jimmy had been the only constant in my life since everything went to shit. He wasn’t tough or strong or brave. He wore a pair of damn Converse for the end of the world. He wasn’t suited to the new world; the way things are now. And that’s not a bad thing at all. ‘Cause throughout it all, he managed to keep his morality, his caring nature, his ability to see the best in people, even when they didn’t deserve it. And that’s more than can be said for some of us. Dignity, not so much… If there’s one thing Jimmy loved to do it was to get absolutely shit-faced drunk and embarrass himself. So if anyone would like to join me later, you’ll find me doing exactly that in the dining area.”
Scarlett began heaping the mound of dirt on top of Jimmy’s body and Riley retrieved another shovel and started to help her with a gentle smile.
Scarlett changed her muddy clothes and dressed herself in a pair of black, skin-tight jeans, a clean, white vest and a black and white plaid shirt before putting on her boots and making her way down to the dining hall.
As she entered, Riley, Chino, Mouse and River were waiting for her, each of them having seemingly cleaned themselves up a little. They had laid out a selection of alcohol, from spirits and beers to wine and champagne. Scarlett smiled appreciatively as she joined them.
“Would Madame like ze red or ze white?” Mouse asked, feigning a French accent.
“I do not care, Sir. Just give me a bottle and a straw.”
Mouse did as instructed, handing her a bottle of white wine.
An hour or so into their binge, Scarlett was quite substantially drunk.
“The first time he met my mother… That is something I will never forget!” she garbled.
“What happened?” Riley asked, genuinely interested.
“He was terrified.” She began, “I’d told him she was a real dragon – which was totally untrue... mostly.”
Before Scarlett could continue, Travis entered the hall, making a bee-line for their table. He stood at Scarlett’s side.
“Mind if I join you?” he asked, helping himself to a bottle of beer.
Scarlett’s mood changed quickly, she became resentful and moody and decided that Travis, in Jack’s absence, was the perfect punching bag. She stood toe-to-toe with him, bottle in hand, steadying herself on the edge of the table as Riley, Chino, Mouse and River watched on tenterhooks.
“You’ve got a real cheek.” She slurred, “If you hadn’t come back with us, this never would have happened. I don’t know how you have the audacity to come anywhere near us when it’s your fault Jimmy’s dead.”
Travis just looked at her, fully aware of her level of intoxication.
“Hey, Fox, why don’t you sit down, babe?” Chino offered, “We’re supposed to be havin’ a good time, celebratin’ Jimmy’s life.”
“What the fuck is there to celebrate? Really?” Scarlett fired back, “I can tell funny stories about him until I lose my voice, but the fact is he was twenty-two. A few months ago he lost his sister - watched me shoot her in the face. Then I forced him to chop into some Roamer’s head to make his first kill. That Biter was a kid. He didn’t wanna do it, but I fuckin’ made him. Didn’t give him a choice. I was gonna let that thing chew on him. What kind of person does that? His life was short and the last few months of it were hell. And it was all my doing. I couldn’t save Alice. And I sure as shit couldn’t save Jimmy.”
“Maybe you should go to bed,” River tried.
“Maybe you should shut the fuck up.” Scarlett bit back.
“Why don’t I help you to your room?” Riley offered, standing.
Scarlett stumbled over to him and put her hands on his chest.
“You’d like that, huh? I’m a single girl now, Riley. You can take me to bed whenever you want.”
As Scarlett stood on her toes and tried to kiss Riley, River got to her feet and threw herself at her, shoving her backwards.
“You stay the fuck away from him, you little bitch!” she yelled.
Scarlett lunged forward and attacked River, swinging at her face. Travis grabbed her by the waist, catching her in mid-air as she was going in for another badly aimed swipe, while Riley held River back. Scarlett became hysterical; trying to shake and flail free of Travis’ grasp, screaming, shouting indistinctly, and kicking while all everyone else could do was watch, jaws hanging. None of them had seen her just turn on people like that before. They didn’t think she was capable of changing her demeanour so rapidly.
Travis struggled to drag her away one handed, picking up another beer and a bottle of vodka as he took Scarlett upstairs.
“Need some help?” Mouse called to him.
“I can handle her,” he replied gruffly.
“Handle this!” Scarlett spat, thrusting an elbow back.
Her co-ordination let her down again – she missed completely, and Travis practically carried her to the foot of the large staircase.
“Which is your room?” He demanded.
“Fuck you.” Scarlett retorted weakly.
“Just fuckin’ tell me. What number?”
Travis escorted Scarlett to her room on the third floor, opening the door and sitting her on the bed before going into the bathroom and emerging with a plastic cup. He half filled it with vodka and handed it to Scarlett.
“You fucked up,” Travis pointed out.
“Yeah? I see evolution really fucked you over.” she countered, laughing to herself, “Who the hell do you think you are? You haven’t even been here for a day and all you’ve done is cause shit. You show up with your stupid fucking bow and everything goes to pot.”
Scarlett downed her drink, beginning to feel quite sick.
“You’re such a little princess, ain’t ya? You won’t be happy ‘til you’ve alienated every last one of your friends. What, do you think you’re the only person who’s lost someone?”
Scarlett stood, forgetting how inebriated she was, and approached Travis.
“Why did I even agree to bring you back here?” she garbled, “You’re just another superior, overconfid
ent, dick. Do you think you’re special because you can hunt? The only difference between you and the other idiots in this place is your red-neck twang,” she giggled, mimicking his accent. “That and your poor man’s Robin Hood act, of course.”
Travis drew himself closer to her, threateningly. Scarlett began clumsily backing away as he followed her.
“I’m self-sufficient. It’s a wonder a lil’ attention whore like you has survived for so long,” Scarlett was forced to stop as the backs of her knees hit the edge of the bed. They were nose to nose and Scarlett started to feel strange. It confused her and she started to inwardly panic, “But, you keep actin’ like a spoiled lil’ bitch, and you ain’t gonna make it much longer.”
Scarlett bit her lip and, on impulse, threw a drunken punch at Travis. He was close enough to her that she hit him directly in the eye and with such force that his head twisted to the side.
A few uncertain seconds passed before he looked back at her, and she could practically see the rage bubbling up on his face. He stared at her and she held his gaze, unsure of what to expect.
“You need to sleep off the booze,” he finally rumbled.
Scarlett could tell from the tone of his voice just how much he was suppressing his urge to hurt her. She opened her mouth to speak, but Travis was already leaving. He calmly closed the door behind him and left Scarlett alone in her empty room.
She sat on the edge of her bed and silently cried, unable to recall ever feeling as lonely as she did at that moment.
Chapter Six:
Two weeks after Jimmy’s burial and her appalling behaviour toward her friends, Scarlett finally convinced herself to go out on a run. Jack was still at the hotel, mostly in bed due to his leg injury, and Riley had taken over leadership, set to share his duties with Scarlett once she was ready. They both knew it would take some time.
Scarlett forced her eyes open at first light, determined to have as much time scouting as possible. She was sure that Riley would be going with her; they worked well together when situations went to shit and sometimes had fun doing it.