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Roamers (Book 2): Fear. Loss. Survival. Hope. Page 18
Roamers (Book 2): Fear. Loss. Survival. Hope. Read online
Page 18
“You won’t believe what’s in here!” Scarlett said excitedly.
“Sounds like I don’t wanna know.”
Scarlett scoffed as she slid a disc into the stereo and waited. Seconds later, Tom Waits’ Long Way Home began to play, and Travis couldn’t hide the smile that was creeping across his face.
The gravelly voice pouring from the speakers stirred a vivid memory of the night he and Scarlett danced by his truck. The moment he realised that Scarlett was the person he wanted by his side for the rest of the end. It all came flooding back; the feel of her heart beating against his chest, the warmth of her body pressed close, the fear and panic in his gut, and an intimacy that was brand new to him.
Travis slowed the car to a stop and glanced at her. He switched off the engine, eager to just sit with her while they had the chance. Scarlett stared back at him with a smile.
“It feels good to be doin’ this again,” he rumbled. “Even if what we’re doin’ is tryin’ to round people up for a fight. It’s us. Out here together.”
“Don’t look at it like that. We’re just a couple of lovebirds heading back home to visit our extended family and introduce them to the newest addition. While we’re there, we’ll invite them to stay at our new place; get to know our new friends.”
James began to stir from the sling against Scarlett’s chest. Travis reached out a hand to stroke his son’s head.
“Hey, it won’t be long, little man. You’ll be stealin’ all the attention soon enough.”
“We should keep going,” Scarlett said, “the movement of the car should send him back to sleep.”
Travis turned the key in the ignition. The car spluttered and whined for a few moments, but the engine wouldn’t come to life. Travis stopped and waited a few seconds before trying again. Still, the vehicle choked and hummed, but did not start.
“Fuck,” Travis rumbled, trying again. “Shit.”
“I’m suddenly feeling like we’re a little exposed out here, Travis.”
“I know. I’ll get it started, don’t worry.”
Travis tried to illuminate the dashboard. When it wouldn’t light up, he blew out a sigh of relief and opened the door to get out.
“What’s the problem?”
“Battery’s dead. You ever push started a car before?”
“Do I look like the kinda girl who ever push-started a car?”
Travis rolled his eyes and turned on the ignition, “Scoot over to the driver seat and put the car in second. When I say, take your foot off the clutch, give it some gas and it should start.”
Scarlett moved over awkwardly, with James still fussing under the fabric on her torso. She did as she was instructed and took the hand break off.
Travis walked to the rear of the car and began pushing. His face contorted with the effort, but it wasn’t long before the car was picking up its pace. Having to jog to keep up, Travis slapped his palm down on the roof twice as a signal to Scarlett. She lifted her foot and pushed down on the accelerator and the car spluttered into life. She stopped the car but left it running and slid back over to the passenger side while she waited for Travis to get back in.
“Scarlett, go!” he shouted.
Scarlett spun in her seat to look out of the back window. Roamers were approaching Travis. They were sprinting at him as he drew his hunting knife. Scarlett considered her options, looking down at James. She couldn’t leave Travis. She had to fight with him.
Scarlett pulled the sling fabric over James’ head in an effort to keep blood from getting to him.
Travis glanced back to see her emerge from the car, an axe in one hand, pistol in the other, and their tiny infant strapped to her chest.
“What the fuck are you doin’, Scar?” he yelled, forcing his knife under the chin of a Biter while holding another at arm’s length. “Get back in the car!”
Scarlett didn’t say anything. Holding her pistol out in front of her, she fired a shot. It narrowly missed Travis’ ear and sliced through the cranium of an open-mouthed Roamer behind him.
Travis took the Biter he was holding by its hair and forced it, face first into the car’s rear window. An explosion of brain matter and blood covered the glass and Travis’ hand and forearm.
He pushed another Roamer backwards to gather his wits. It fell to the ground. The toe of Scarlett’s boot connected with its cheekbone and sent part of its face flying with a sharp crack.
Hands grabbed at her back and she turned sharply, leading with her axe-wielding arm. The blade connected with the creature’s temple, cutting into it with ease.
It fell to the ground and Scarlett wriggled her weapon free. The pair of them surveyed their surroundings. They were alone again.
Panting with the adrenaline coursing through their veins, they both got back into the car, and Travis continued along the road.
The back wiper only served to smear the congealed mess even further.
Scarlett began breastfeeding James to calm him, and he immediately stopped crying.
“Don’t ever do that again,” Travis growled. “You put James in danger.”
“I’m sorry, Travis, but I couldn’t just--”
“Yeah, you could’a. James and Hope come first. I don’t care how close anyone else comes to dyin’.”
Scarlett knew he was right. She knew better than to endanger her children, and her stomach lurched when she thought about the number of times she’d done just that.
Travis glanced at her. She was staring down at James, but Travis could see hurt in her eyes.
“Sorry,” he said. “I know it’s hard to make those choices, and I know that we don’t always get it right.” He thought back to the day he left Newhill with Hope, and the things that had happened along the way; the countless situations which could easily have turned deadly for their daughter because of a decision he made. “I just don’t wanna be the reason for one of our babies gettin’ hurt.” Scarlett nodded and showed him a weak smile. Travis gestured toward the stereo, “You can put it back on, if you want.”
Getting closer to the warehouse, Scarlett was finally able to recognise her surroundings. The familiar buildings and roads; especially the one where she considered shooting herself. How glad she was that she waited.
They finally approached the warehouse. The Roamer remains had been cleared since Scarlett left, but there were still darker patches on the tarmac where blood had stained it.
Chino was apparently in the middle of his shift on the gate, half-heartedly guarding it as he had done at Bluehaven. Travis slowly pulled the car up and beeped the horn, almost causing Chino to lose his balance. He quickly fumbled with his rifle, taking aim at the windshield.
Scarlett chuckled before rolling down the window and sticking her head out.
“Are you gonna open up, Sugar-tits or do we have to sit out here all day?” she beamed.
Chino’s mouth fell open. He dropped his weapon to the ground and made a run for the gate. Sliding it open, he could barely contain his excitement.
“Scarlett?! What the fuck are you doin’ here? I didn’t think you were ever coming back!”
In an attempt to calm him, Scarlett pulled him into an embrace. He quickly wriggled free when Travis climbed out of the driver’s seat.
“What the fuck, man!” he squealed. “She fuckin’ found you?! Did you find her? I can’t even right now. Where’s Hope, is she okay? I have so many fucking questions!”
“Easy, Chino. Let’s go inside,” Travis soothed. “We ain’t here for socialisin’.”
“Aren’t you staying?” he asked, confused.
“Let’s just go inside, Chino,” Scarlett persuaded. “We need to talk to everybody.”
Walking through the door gave Scarlett a strange feeling. The last time she was there her world was about to fall apart.
They walked inside to the sound of cutlery scraping against tin plates. Their old friends were sitting at the picnic benches having lunch. Scarlett took a deep breath.
“I sure h
ope you’ve kept some warm for us,” she announced.
With that, silence swept through the entire building as everyone’s gaze landed on her and Travis. Jack dropped his cutlery and got to his feet, almost involuntarily, with his mouth agape. Everyone else just gawked at them.
Moments passed before Jack finally piped up.
“Riley?” was all he could manage.
“Riley’s fine,” Travis assured him. “He’s back at Homeside, which is why we’re here.”
“Where’s Hope?” Henry asked, concerned for his young apprentice.
“She’s okay too, Henry.”
“We would have brought her back with us,” Scarlett said, “but it was enough of a risk to bring James.”
“Who’s James?” Colin probed, unsure what to make of his daughter’s return.
With that, Scarlett unzipped her jacket to reveal the infant. Henry quickly got to his feet and rushed to see him.
“Is he yours?” Henry tried to hide the tone of surprise in his voice.
“He is. I don’t know how, but he survived. He was born a few weeks ago, just before we found Travis.”
“Is he healthy, can I take a look at him?” Scarlett handed the infant over and Henry cradled him, studying him for abnormalities. “He is some kind of tiny miracle!”
“He was tiny when he was born,” Scarlett said.
“Well, you lost a lot of blood and didn’t replace it all. You were probably quite severely anaemic.”
“Scarlett? Oh my god!” the excited voice was followed closely by River’s arms being thrown around Scarlett’s neck. “I can’t believe you’re back,” she cried.
Scarlett’s joy at seeing her friend was short-lived when she remembered how badly she betrayed her weeks before. All she could do was smile at her, unable to hold eye contact.
“Is Riley here?” River asked.
“He decided to stay behind,” Travis said. “There’s a settlement; good people, sustainable land… we’ve been livin’ there for a while.”
“It’s not safe anymore,” Scarlett interjected. “It’s a long story, but Riley and Quinlan stayed behind to help in case they get attacked.”
“That’s why we’re here,” Travis continued, now addressing everyone. “We need more people to fortify the place… and to fight with us.”
“So, you just turned up here after months away, to ask us to travel god knows how far and put our lives on the line for a bunch of strangers?” Jack said, agitated by what he perceived to be incredible cheek.
“No,” Scarlett said, “We’re asking you to travel thirty miles to put your lives on the line for Hope, James, Riley and Quinlan. And yes, a bunch of strangers. Good people who saved Travis’ life, looked after our daughter, and took me in after the worst months of my life. There’s room for more people there. We can expand our community after the shit show’s over.”
“I’m in,” Colin said.
Scarlett looked to Jack, raising her eyebrows expectantly. He sighed and nodded simultaneously, and Scarlett smiled back at him.
“I’ll load up the vehicles,” Chino announced.
“I’m gonna need to check the auto-shop for a battery. Our piece of shit car died on the way here,” Travis said, following Chino outside.
Out of nowhere, Scarlett had another pair of arms around her. It was Jasmine. She looked happier, fresher and healthier than before.
“Scarlett, I’m so pleased to see you!” she gushed.
“Jasmine, you look amazing. Where’s that beautiful baby of yours?”
“You really have been gone a long time,” Henry chuckled, handing James over to River, who had been desperate for a cuddle. “We’ve got four lovely little babies here now.”
Henry led Scarlett through to the offices. Each small room had been repurposed. A few medical bays; each with a make-shift bed and a table full of medicines and equipment. In the final room; the largest of the offices, were Helena and a few of the girls from Stonebrook. Sure enough, four babies ranging in age from a few weeks to around eleven months were being cared for by the women.
“I see you found that hospital,” Scarlett said, stunned.
“We’ve made a few improvements. It must be a shock to see how much it’s changed.”
“That’s no bad thing, believe me. The last time I was standing here, I thought I was dying.”
“The cars are loaded,” came Chino’s voice.
“Great, who’s coming?”
“Let’s see, Mouse, River, Jack, Colin and me. And this is for you, Travis.” Travis turned and smiled on seeing Chino holding out his old bow. “No one else can shoot that thing like you can.”
“I’m coming too,” Henry interjected. “I just need to gather a few things.”
“What about this place?” Scarlett frowned. “And are you sure you’re up to it?”
“This old codger’s been busy since you left, Scarlett. Helena and Felix deal with most people’s medical needs now, and I can’t let these people get into a fight without being there to stitch them up after.”
“If you’re sure.”
“I just need five minutes.”
Jack and Henry loaded into Scarlett and Travis’ vehicle, while Chino, River, Colin and Mouse piled into a small hatchback; woefully undersized for the occupants and their weapons and supplies, but economic on fuel.
Chapter Eighteen
“You really landed on your feet when you found this place, Fox,” Jack said, admiring Homeside’s impressive set up. “No wonder you didn’t want to come back.”
“Don’t be like that, Jack. Of course I wanted to come back. It’s not always that simple though.”
“Look at this place, Jack,” Travis chimed in. “It’s sustainable and secure, with the added benefit of plenty of safe, outdoor space. We could thrive here.”
Piper approached to give her “Welcome to Homeside” speech and introduce herself to the newcomers, and Riley emerged from his tent to see what the commotion was. Jack spotted him first and approached without hesitation.
“Hey, stranger,” he said, pulling Riley into a manly hug.
“Let the bromance continue,” Scarlett giggled as she passed.
“How’s it been?”
“It’s been tough,” Riley said, shaking his head. “It’s been a really long few months. I know I made the right decision though. And, hey, I delivered a baby.”
“Aunt Jack!” Hope shouted, toddling over with Kate.
“Well, hey!” Jack scooped the little girl up and she threw her arms around him. “You got so big!”
* * *
Piper and Bill were the last to join the residents of Homeside and Newhill at the outdoor table. Keen to impress their new allies, they had prepared a meal using a variety of their resources; chicken, potatoes, wild garlic, tomatoes and rice.
“Dig in, everyone,” Piper grinned. “Bill’s really outdone himself this evening.”
“It smells beautiful…”
“My mouth is watering…”
“I don’t know what to go for first…”
“This is far more appetising than what we had at the warehouse…”
Each compliment fed Bill’s ego as he hoped his food would feed everyone’s stomachs. He looked on as they piled food on their plates and enjoyed the appreciative groans as they tasted their meals.
“Fuck, I haven’t eaten food this good since before the shit hit the fan,” Mouse garbled with a mouthful.
“Me neither,” Jack agreed.
“It’s all freshly grown,” Bill said proudly.
“Yep,” Piper joined in, “poor old Betsy and Susan had long, contented lives here. Happy chickens are tasty chickens.”
“So, tell us a little about yourselves, guys,” Kate said, really only talking to Jack.
“Riley, Chino, River, Mouse and I were military,” he replied, still chewing on a mouthful of poultry. “We were all heading to the same posting just after things went sideways. We never made it though.”
Why not?”
“Well, luckily for you, Private Mills here has no respect for authority. If it weren’t for him getting all soppy about rescuing people, we’d be part of Grey’s pack of assholes.”
“We all appreciate Riley’s sentimentality,” Piper joked.
“Just on the bright side,” Mouse added, “I haven’t had a cold since the shit hit the fan.”
The rest of the meal was spent filling Newhill’s residents in about Ethan Grey and The Headhunters. Scarlett was open with her friends about her time with him; what he’d put her through and the things she’d done.
Ten minutes after everyone had finished their meals, no one had moved. The chatter had ceased. They were too full. Some groaned with the effort of holding themselves upright in their seats, others sighed with the realisation that they would have to get up eventually, and Jack unbuttoned his jeans with a belch and a loud, “oohhh, yeah.”
Finally, Piper stood, “By the looks on all your faces, you’re about ready to turn in. If you’re able to stand, I’ll show you to your rooms. Just a warning though; some of you may have to use a couple of the empty tents.”
“I’ll take a tent,” Riley said, raising his hand. “I’ve had a few weeks of glorious sleep. These guys have mostly been sleeping on blankets on the floor.”
“Alright, if you’re sure. Help yourself.”
Scarlett made her way back to the cabin, eager for Travis to join her. Colin caught her arm as she approached the door.
“Scarlett,” he said nervously.
“Hey,” she sighed, turning to face him.
“Sorry, I know you probably want to get some rest. I just wanted to say how pleased I am to be here. It’ll be an honour to fight alongside you.” Scarlett didn’t know what to say. “I hope that we can really get to know each other when this is all over. I’ve got a lot to make up for, I can’t wait to prove to you that I can do it, if you’ll let me.”
“Yeah,” she said, sounding more annoyed than she meant to. “Sorry, Colin. I’m just tired, and I’ve got a lot to think about. We can talk more when this is over with.”
Colin nodded sadly, “Great. I’ll let you get some sleep. Goodnight, Scarlett.”